
The Library's Marketing and Communications section has policies and procedures in place that are designed to ensure that communication is consistent with University of the Western Cape (UWC) graphic design and editorial standards, in order to improve information flow and prevent miscommunication. Library communication is carried out within the Library and in some cases between libraries.

Communication in the Library has two distinct levels:

  • Communication internally between staff

  • Communication between staff and patrons

Communication among staff of the Library has an effect on the way the Library is managed. The patrons of the Library need communication to achieve desired information-seeking goals.

The following communication channels are used in this process as a mode of transfer of ideas and information:

  • Face-to-face;

  • Telephone;

  • E-mail;

  • Campus Communication;

  • Posters and electronic displays;

  • Social media (Twitter; LinkedIn; Facebook; WhatsApp; TikTok);

  • Surveys; and

  • Website.