Lending & Interlibrary Loans

Lending Services

The Lending Services’ team are responsible for user support, this includes providing general information, general loans, short loans, stacks management and a digitisation service. The short loans collection contains items that are in high demand, this includes prescribed textbooks and recommended readings. Items in the short loan collection may only be borrowed for a limited time to enable access for as many users as possible.

Library Open Hours

The UWC Library’s Lending and Short Loan services are available during library open hours:

Library Hours

Interlibrary Loans

The Interlibrary Loans (ILL) service supports and enhances the UWC Library’s collection to meet the needs of our researchers via a collaborative academic library network both locally and abroad.

The ILL department, therefore obtains or supplies materials (both books and journal articles) to or from libraries and institutions in South Africa and abroad. The Cape Higher Education Library Network (CHELiN) within the Western Cape, provides a delivery service between UWC, University of Cape Town (UCT), Stellenbosch University (SU) and The Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) as added enhancement to the ILL service for our users.